I am a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in Cedar Park, Texas who supports individual adults in their process of healing and growth. As the relationship with the therapist is highly indicative of positive outcomes in therapy, here is a little information about me and how I work to help you determine if I may be a good fit.
I believe that every individual has within them the capacity for growth and healing, but through the circumstances of life we all develop ways of protecting ourselves and limiting access to this healing potential within. I prioritize working with the protective systems that have been developed over time in order to allow more access to this healing energy. I take a compassionate approach to these protective parts in recognizing they have needed to take on these roles for a reason and then through the presence of a safe therapeutic relationship (in which these parts feel seen and understood) these parts can begin to take on new roles. This begins to allow balance, harmony and wholeness within the internal system which in turn allows space to express oneself and engage more harmoniously with others. Succinctly put, I believe healing begins by looking within and understanding and healing the internal system.
My belief in this model of healing has largely come from my own experience in therapy as well as several years of working with this model with clients.